Saturday, March 22, 2008

Valley Of The Sun?????

Spent the St. Paddy's Day weekend visiting my son in Tempe, AZ. As I left Missoula on Friday night the snow was coming down, temp in the low '30's, wind blowing - typical early spring conditions. Man was I looking forward to some time in the desert sun. Oh baby, get to wear some shorts and sandals.

Unfortunately, someone forgot to let Mother Nature know that I was headed into town for a visit. Sautrday was in the mid-'60's. But, outside of that, the temp was mid-40's to mid-50's. Windy, cloudy and cold for the most part. It was a bit of a bummer.

On the upside - did get the cahnce to run a small race while there. The Tempe Saint Patrick's Day Run was held on Sunday the 16th in Tempe's Kiwanis park. It was my first race since about this time last year. My fitness still has a ways to go; but, I was able to hit my goal of a sub-30 minute 8K (29:57). It's not where I want to be; but, it's a start.

And, considering that I started the year barely able to hold 8:00 pace for 2 miles, I'm happy with the progress. There's a few aches and pains as I get the mileage back up to normal and begin to incorporate some harder efforts and long runs. But, all in all I seem to be holding up.

I'm excited about the arrival of spring and the opportunity to do some racing her in the northwest part of the state. It's exciting to do some new races, meet new people and explore new roads and trails.

Till later

See you on the roads, tracks and trails.


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