Saturday, April 23, 2011

Breaking Ice & Breaking Wind

On a morning that lived up to the name of the race - the Ice Breaker Road Race took place last Sunday in Great Falls.

On the men's side, Ezkysas Sisay of Ethiopia took the win in a stellar time of 23:15.  Pulling in 2nd was Bernard Langat of Kenyan at 25:00.  But, the rest of the top 5 was comprised fully of Montanan's. 

Alan King picked up where he left off in 2010 - running 3rd in a speedy 26:02.

Alan King battles the snow at Ice Breaker

Next in was Pat Judge - hitting it big on both the open and master's scene.  His 27:20 was a most impressive time for an old guy :-)

And, it held off the charge of young buck Jesse Zentz's 27:21.  Jesse is a Billings West and UM grad.  For the last couple of years, he's been a sports writer in Boise.  He recently moved back to Montana and is writing sports for the Independent Record.  A nice welcome home race for Jesse.

Also cracking the top 10 was master's runner Jeff Braun with his 28:56.

On the women's side - Evelyne Lagat of Kenya won in 27:28.  Next up was Rachel Brewer of Great Falls in 30:02.  She was followed by Nicole Hunt (who also took the master's crown) in 32:16.  4th and 5th place also broke the 33:00 barrier - Great Fallsians (what do folks in GF call themselves) Marilee Woyth and Sandy Thomas hit 32:43 and 32:48 respectively.

King wasn't done with the racing however.  On a whim, he decidedc to do his own personal trifecta and won the 3-mile in 15:27 and the Mile in 4:23.  Not a bad day for Mr. King.

See you on the roads, tracks and trails

The Muddy Buzzard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Braxton Hicks actually took 3rd place in the womens...don't tell is a secret:)